2019-02-18 - Scones


~6.5 mi @ ~14.0 min/mi

"Haven't seen you forever!" The lady walking a schnauzer greets Dawn Patrol, then crosses the street to hug a long-missed acquaintance. We're finishing a cool morning ramble around the neighborhood, punctuated by a pause at Starbucks. Roadkill rolls an ankle on a curb in the gloom, a fortunate accident since it masks the pain from a blister on the other foot. He and K2 tell K-Rex of the 10k race yesterday, taking turns crediting each other for the good outcome.

"Sometimes during a meeting I go into a meta state and start thinking about how many times I've heard this same argument before!" Metacognition is good, but the big challenge is to help advance the conversation without antagonizing the participants. No easy answers, especially when debate focuses on tightly-held beliefs about unimportant aspects of a larger issue. (cf Law of Triviality)

"Scones - with orange and lemon zest, but no clotted cream!" K-Rex baked over the weekend, and her family was happy.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2019-03-16